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Madurai Health And Leprosy Relief Centre (MAHELERECEN).  12/10 Sister Rose Second Street, Melaponnagaram,Madurai-625016.Tamil Nadu,India.   I     Phone 91-452-2360159, mobile :+91-9788171133       I e mail : ,
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Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre
(Registered non- profit voluntary organization working for 'Leprosy eradication  and Rehabilitation)
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100 Donors plan

Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre is plant to raise fund from 100 Donors for regular donation

Through this plan Donors information will be published in our website
you can join Monthly donors scheme, You can donate Rs 100/500/1000 -per month.
Donations exempt under 80 (G) of I.T. Act Reg.C.No.464/65/1992-93/CIT-I Madurai.

Supporters Donors information.

  1. S P Prabhahar, Virudhunagar.
  2. Mr Ramesh, Chennai.
  3. Madurai.   

The idea for 100 Donors Scheme originated when grants for a lot of our Leprosy service were cut because of the recession and the subsequent budget cuts at all levels – individual, corporates and governments.

We as individuals will most likely be able to ride this recession by managing our finances better… but the fact remains that no matter how hard hit we are by the economic slow down, we are still vastly better off than those who are not able to provide even the
basic necessities like Medicaments, treatment, mobile camp, health education etc. to lepers family.

Since these people have nothing to cut and are dependent on the grants of others, we want to create a solid foundation for our institutions. We want to relieve our institutions of the day to day stress of raising funds or worry about how the next week’s supplies
will be paid for. We do not want these institutions to cut their budgets or activities because of this downturn or any downturn in future, instead we would want them to expand their reach to serve even more underprivileged people of the society.

For the people who have committed their life and are working tirelessly for the welfare of others, we need to build a solid foundation. For this, we want to enroll at least 100 supporters who would commit to contribute at least Rs 100/Rs500/ Rs 1000 every year for this good causes.

From our side, we are committed to make sure that 100% of your contribution will reach our benificiaries.

29th Foundation Day  9th August 2019